Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't forget the cats: By Finch and Jack

There are some things that never change.

1. The front window is where all the action happens.

2. One day I (Jack) am going to develop super-cat powers and get out of the front window. At that point, I am going to KILL that black and white cat. Until then, I'll take my frustrations out on Finchley.

3. I (Finchley) still think I'm part obese merekat.

4. Clearly we are the superior beings!*

*Her parents made us disclose that she isn't really cross-eyed. She just was looking really closely at one of her jungle gym toys. And we also are being forced to say that even when her eyes are crossed, we think she's still really cute. Gag.

New kind of social life

Never fear, all you people who are getting sick of reading about Evie. Although she will still be front and center, we ARE planning a trip to Barcelona over Easter. So that's the good news. The bad news is that Easter is still a ways away. Hopefully we'll get out for some walks or something between now and then.

We do have somewhat of a social life, although it still revolves around Evie. On Sunday we got together with our prenatal group for lunch at a pub. The last time we were all together, was before we had our babies and even though the Moms had gotten together for coffee, this was our first time to see all the Dads in action. Plus there was a big football game on and a big Rugby tournament (the six nations or something like that). So, it was pretty funny to see a bunch of couples with tiny babies and strollers in the middle of the pub. Everyone seemed pretty relaxed and happy.

Alan and Caroline with Sorrel:

Richard and Anu at the bar:

Jim fed while I ate. Then I proceeded to drip parsnip soup on Evie's head (it wasn't hot and it gave her a new smell for the day):

George demonstrates how to burp a baby and drink a beer at the same time (very important skill to master):

Kate and Toby tag team on the feeding/eating thing (this is also how we eat dinner at home these days--one eats while the other holds Evie):

Joan and Niah:

Evie's favorite spot:

Chatting with Marjorie and Zoe:

It was fun to get out and socialize with our new friends. After that, Evie and I went for our first walk together in Hampstead Heath, where I discovered that pushing a stroller up hill is really hard.

Vintage snowsuit

Jim and Scott both wore this snowsuit when they were babies. It's still keeping Evie warm over 40 years later. They don't make things like they used to!
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Evie and friends

This week, Evie got together with Alex and visited Julie and Pumba. She also slept six hours in a row, for two nights in a row, but then she went back to her normal schedule of partying at the wee hours of the morning.

Alex knows some cool moves:

Sleeping (when she should have been awake, unfortunately):

She is getting good at entertaining herself:

Pumba was perplexed by Evie and talked back to all the noises that Evie was making. Julie said she does the same thing with their horse: