Sunday, January 06, 2008

A fun day in Camden and a fun night with friends

Another fun weekend is coming to a close. I'm still in my PJs and it's noon on a Sunday...wishing that by denying that the day is going past, it might actually make the weekend longer. Here are the highlights from this weekend:

Finchley got to sit in the window overlooking our garden. This was so exciting that he trembled with antici......PATION. Plus there was a squirrel hanging around.

Jim ran up to the top of Primrose Hill--not an easy feat!

Then he posed next to a Banksy in Camden:

We bought wigs for a wig party and then later we headed over to Meg and Dan's house for a gourmet style dinner and good times.

Meg is such a good cook!

She made shrimp rissoto and yummy salad. I made dessert--a questionable apple upside down cake, which was OK but not that great. I chucked the leftovers as soon as we got home.
The guys provided entertainment:

Meg, Dan and the pepper:

Happy, happy...

Dan washing dishes:

Jim...the blur:

And then after dinner....we played GUITAR HERO! Meg is not such a big fan:

Jim and Dan have all the right moves:

I'm not very good, but it was a lot of fun!

We might have to get one of those....although judging from the video below (which I finally figured out how to post!) I'll need a lot of practice. All the wrong notes are me.


Even in compact mode, I can't get them to work. Sigh. I will keep trying!

Experimental photography

I have been playing around with my new camera and this is what I have discovered: There is a "pet and children mode" for those members of the family who won't pose. I can take pictures where one color is selected and that is the color that shows up. The others are black and white! (dirty laundry looks much more artistic this way) If I film videos in compact mode, they load faster and actually might work on the blog? Here is Finchley, ignoring me as usual.
And playing with his favourite toy, the plastic wrapper that came with the TV: