Sunday, January 06, 2008

A fun day in Camden and a fun night with friends

Another fun weekend is coming to a close. I'm still in my PJs and it's noon on a Sunday...wishing that by denying that the day is going past, it might actually make the weekend longer. Here are the highlights from this weekend:

Finchley got to sit in the window overlooking our garden. This was so exciting that he trembled with antici......PATION. Plus there was a squirrel hanging around.

Jim ran up to the top of Primrose Hill--not an easy feat!

Then he posed next to a Banksy in Camden:

We bought wigs for a wig party and then later we headed over to Meg and Dan's house for a gourmet style dinner and good times.

Meg is such a good cook!

She made shrimp rissoto and yummy salad. I made dessert--a questionable apple upside down cake, which was OK but not that great. I chucked the leftovers as soon as we got home.
The guys provided entertainment:

Meg, Dan and the pepper:

Happy, happy...

Dan washing dishes:

Jim...the blur:

And then after dinner....we played GUITAR HERO! Meg is not such a big fan:

Jim and Dan have all the right moves:

I'm not very good, but it was a lot of fun!

We might have to get one of those....although judging from the video below (which I finally figured out how to post!) I'll need a lot of practice. All the wrong notes are me.

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