Friday, September 03, 2010

In 3D

Today Evie and I went to see the new 3D! To the untrained eye, our baby looks like a mass of blobs, but to us she/he looks like a little person waiting to come out into the world. This morning when I was reading to Evie the baby kicked so hard that she felt it in her back and looked back at me with a slightly surprised and concerned expression on her face. We have 10 more weeks of togetherness before she has to share the love and I'm having the same kind of emotions that I felt when Jim and I were waiting for her to be born. We were so excited, but also a little sentimental about the fact that it wasn't going to be just the two of us anymore. Obviously, as soon as we laid eyes on her, she became the center of our universe and I know that when this baby is born, it will be the same and we won't be able to imagine our lives without both of them. But until then I'm going to really focus on the special time that we have with Evie while she's still the only one.

Four Weddings

Last weekend we went to the final of the four weddings that we attended this summer. What a fun time celebrating Jackie and Piotrek and a great way to end a summer of celebrating happy unions!

Not only did Jackie make a beautiful bride, she also made beautiful calligraphied name tags for our tables. We were proud to be the Avants in such fancy writing.Another highlight: cupcakes, in addition to delicious apple tart with ice cream!!!! Yum! (and filling)
The happy couple having their first dance of their marriage:
Piotrek was very nearly dropped on his head, just after this picture was taken. Fortunately the groom was spared a trip to the emergency room on the night of his wedding:
The ladies (and Jim) on the dance floor:

There were lots of fun people from all over the world at the wedding and Jim and I danced the night away (well...until 10:30 when we had to go home and relieve the babysitter. Don't ask me the last time we actually stayed out late). Congrats to Jackie and Piotrek!