Friday, November 17, 2006

I'm back

I had my bottom slightly kicked by some sort of flu/strep type illness yesterday, but I'm back in the land of the living again and ready to blog!

Yesterday, before I succombed to my illness, I went to the National Galleries with the wife of one of JIm's co-workers. She was very full of energy and spirit and extremely excited about the art. I, on the other hand, was wondering why my bag was so heavy, and taking every opportunity to sit down...I just didn't appreciate it like I should have, so I'm going to have to go back. There were quite a few pictures of Christ at various stages of his life and portrayed by many different artists, as well as of Greek gods and goddesses. Some were unbelievably huge and very, very old.

To the left, are a few pictures of the National Galleries and Trafalgar Square. The top picture is only a portion of the Galleries, which is HUGE and can't be fit into one picture. The second is a fountain in Trafalgar Square (there are two like this), and the third is a huge mass of pigeons, surrounding a man. It was raining and there was pigeon poop everywhere, which made for treacherous walking conditions. It was pretty disgusting.

In other news, I have officially put my feelers out for potential jobs and so far haven't gotten any information back from anyone. So, next week, I will be getting more aggressive.

I have also started the process of volunteering for a young women's resource project in Lewisham, which is one town over from where we are living. I'll be meeting with woman next Thursday to see how the group is and whether it is something that I would want to do. They are a group of special needs girls who meet on Thursday evenings. I was kind of hoping to do more than just one evening a week, but I guess that's a start. I'm not sure that special needs kids are the group I am looking to work we will see. At least I will be doing something.

The other thing I'm considering is the American Women's Club in London. Jim's friend's wife says the young women in the group are "just adorable," which leads me to believe that I will probably not be the type of person they have in this club, because I am not typically described as "just adorable." These women also seem to be pretty rich. One of them lives in Lady Di's old flat...sheesh. Anyway, the club goes out for walks around London, goes to the theatre, museums, plays bridge (HAH! Can you see me playing bridge?!) , has book clubs, cooking classes, visits the auctions, etc. There were a few things that looked interesting to me, but I'm not sure if I can really swallow it. PLus it costs 100 pounds! I could be spending that money joining the British Association of Exercise Scientists who post jobs once a week!

Tough decision: pay for friends or pay to have the priviledge to job hunt? It would be nice to spend time with other people during the day. Sometimes I get tired of myself. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Kate and Andy said...

Oh, the American Womens' Club sounds just adorable! I would totally join. You and I could join and create havoc within the ranks of rich American women in London!