Monday, June 25, 2007

Rage against the TV License

There are many reasons why I don't want to get a TV while we are living in England. I don't want to spend the money since we never know when we'll head back home again. I don't want to spend my evenings parked in front of the screen. I don't think TVs are very aesthetically pleasing and I don't want to find myself gorging on British TV when I could be out experiencing British people and places first hand (although I did get slightly addicted to Eastenders when we were living in Greenwich...that's embarassing. And I do like to watch the music TV channels at the gym...but I digress).

The number one reason I never want to get a TV while we are here is to spite the TV licensing people who are determined to harass us into paying a TV license even though we don't have a TV. So far, we have received FOUR threatening letters and, in response to my letter stating that we don't have a TV, we got another letter that basically said they appreciated us telling them that we don't have a TV, but unfortunately we could be lying so they are going to come check. I say BRING IT ON. I think that they should have to pay me the tax for making my blood pressure rise about once a week! If I were an old lady I would feel afraid!

Down with the TV Licensing people. I'm sure this saga will be continued. I'm just waiting for them to show up for an inspection.

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