Sunday, January 27, 2008

The wig party...after the fact

I have been slacking a lot on keeping the blog up, so I'm a little behind on our life happenings. Last weekend we went to a WIG PARTY, hosted by our friend Richard (also my co-worker). It was our first truly English party (as in we were the only Americans there and we knew no one except for Richard and everyone kept saying things like, "Nice American accent.") and we had a blast.

I was a little boring and got a standard light purple wig, but Jim went out on a limb a little bit and went for the 80's frosted tipped look:

Richard wore a mullet in the style of Elvis crossed with REO Speedwagon:

Goldielocks, David Bowie, post electric socket, and Marge Simpson were there:

My looks are greatly improved when there is pink hair covering my face (I'm sure some of the bloggers out there who hate me would agree, but I have set the blog so they can't leave their nasty comments. MUHAH HAH HAH HAH! And yes, I'm still bitter.)

Jim wasn't feeling so great after the party. I blame this.

It's always more fun to call a cab when you have a wig to dance with.

ANd it doesn't matter if it's raining when you have a chance to pose as an 80's pop star.

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