Saturday, April 05, 2008

New taste sensation of the week: Marmite

So, the English like this yeast spread called Marmite. During my week away, I came face to face with Marmite for the first time and, being adventurous (and anyway, how can so many people be wrong about the taste of Marmite?) I tried it. And it was good (although it's not advisable to smell it before tasting it). I did not manage to be open minded enough to eat baked beans for breakfast, but beans on toast was the hit breakfast this week, so I just might be missing something... I was glad that the tunnel challenge was cancelled for my group and we were in the open air on grass sleds instead. It could have been a bit "windy" after all those beans and it was a relief not to be trapped in dark tunnel behind some of those kids.

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