Thursday, October 09, 2008


On Tuesday night, Jim and I got our 80's on and went to the Roundhouse Theatre for OMD (Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark, for those of you not in the know). It was an experience!

First I have to describe the crowd: let's just say that Jim and I, at the not so young ages of 33 and 31 respectively (I'm the younger one, just in case anyone was wondering), were considerably younger than most of the people there. But, despite our 'youth' we were pretty lame compared to everyone else. People were dancing (80's style, of course) and singing and cheering and screaming and knew all the words to all the songs--true fans. There was a little bit of a fashion faux pas on stage (Men who are almost 50 and do not have the physique of Mick Jagger should stay far, far away from skinny jeans) but the lights were really cool, the band sounded just like the old days and the 80's dance moves were spectacular. Unfortunately we didn't do any video-taking and I can't describe in words what said moves looked like, but it so 80's/robot/something. I would definitely go to OMD again! They're fun!

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