Friday, March 18, 2011

Kitchen dance

This morning I had a doctor's appointment and Jim had to stay home from work because I couldn't find a babysitter. AND he got up at 4:30 to feed Millie AND he got up with both girls and let me sleep until 8:00, which is late in our world. And he fed Finchley. What a man!

Anyway, we started the day with a small dance party in the kitchen. As you can see, Jim has some super fly dance moves which he will use to mortify Evie and Millie during their teenage years. Millie doesn't usually wear a hat while we're inside, but she wanted to model her sweet SIX TO TWELVE MONTH OUTFIT!!!!! that Nana and Papa gave her. Also, I'm not sure why Evie wasn't allowed to touch the garlic, but she seemed not to care....

I love my family!

As a side note, today I threatened Evie with loss of her Cinderella dress (plural) and all party dresses and tutus for an entire day if she didn't behave. That worked.

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