Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Rufus in Hampstead Heath

On Saturday night we FINALLY got to see Rufus Wainwright...something we have been trying to accomplish since 2002. He played in an outdoor theatre and, because this is England, it was about 50 degrees in July. But at least it didn't rain!

We spent the afternoon making a delicious picnic and then we headed to Hampstead Heath. As we walked in, we almost stepped on Roni and Orley and all their friends. So we set up camp with them. It was fun!

Yes, that's a wool sweater I'm wearing....IN JULY!!!!

As usual, I was the ultimate party animal:

Rufus was pretty far away:

But when we stood on our tip toes, we could just see his head poking up from his piano.

Despite that, he sounded good and was really funny. PIcnic concerts are fun!

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