Monday, January 29, 2007

How I joined the Junior League

I will leave sufficient space for those of you to take a deep breath and laugh very loudly as you contemplate my involvement with the Junior League.
It's ok. I never thought those words would be coming out of my mouth either. I laugh when I say it, too. But it's true! I have joined the Junior League in London and I'm part of the 2007 Spring class!

"How could this be?!" you probably are asking yourself. "How could SHE get into Junior League?" Our ex-neighbor who reveled in being able to tell me that I couldn't volunteer with the Junior League unless I was IN the Junior League (smug look of condensation, sickeningly sweet voice) would be horrified, I'm sure. Well, it turns out that here they don't care who you are or who you know, as long as you pay your dues (which are minimal compared to some places in the states) and you do your volunteering. And do they ever do some volunteering here! Today, I spent the entire day doing yard work at a school for kids with special needs. We'll be developing classes on finances for kids who are not headed towards university, but could have potential if they are given the right motivation, and there are tons of other opportunities in the community once I become an active member (after I do my three months of volunteering with my "class.). Not to mention that two people I met today were more than happy to help me with my job hunt AND the women were really, really nice. (which is not uncommon. I have met many a nice woman from Junior League in my lifetime in the states.)

I love volunteering! And it really makes me happy to know that this particular branch of the Junior League is so focused on the community.

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