By: Claire
This past weekend, Jack and Mindy brought us some beautiful new/old couches and I am so happy not to have to sit on our old couch that I have decided to write a haiku in honor of the old one and an Ode to the new!

The Old Couch: A Haiku
Banished to Jim's room
Infused with the smell of dog
Die evil couch, die
Ode to the New Couches!
Joy and rapture! Fluffy and white, they are longer than I am! Oh new/old couches, we welcome you with open arms and much celebration! Never will we lie in cramped and painful positions to watch a movie or throw the back pillows over your edge so that there is enough room for us to sit. Never will we wrinkle our noses at the smell of you or fight to keep your slipcovers on because the zipper is broken. You don't have a zipper to break!!!!!! Never again will we opt for the cold hard floor or worry that our friends might catch a strange odor emenating from within...Oh new couches, you seriously rock.
The new couches stink
By Buster
Joy and raputure? What is this nonsense? First I have to wear the hotdog costume and now I'm not allowed to sleep on the couch anymore? What gives, people? My world is crumbling to pieces. Everytime I even go near the couches, someone screams at me to get off the couches. I'm not on the stupid couches, ok? I know I like to pretend like I can't understand anything, but it's only an act. I get it about the couches. But what is truly an injustice is that the cats get to walk all over the couches and sleep on them as much as they want. I'm going to stage a protest and throw up on those couches, the first chance I get.
And by the way, I don't smell.