Last weekend we headed down to Canary Wharf to have brunch with some of Jim's co-workers. We ended up making a day of it and basically making a circle around London. Evie was an excellent companion!
In Canary Wharf:
We forgot to take pictures during the brunch, so once again it's mostly pictures of us. We also forgot to take pictures of the Olympics site, through which we traveled (the long way) just so that we could take some pictures of it. At least Evie and I could see the progress that has been made and where Jim works every day! Sorry to everyone else, though!
Posing in front of the tallest building in the UK (located in Canary Wharf). It was SO exciting!
We decided that it would be fun for Evie if we took the boat back, rather than the train, but, in true Evie style, she fell asleep for the entire boat ride. We enjoyed it, though. We caught the boat in Canary Wharf and got off at Embankment. Seeing London from the Thames is a really nice way to get a good view of all the landmarks without the crowds.
Jim can always be counted on to hold up bridges along the way. Especially London Bridge.
We ended up, randomly, at a Palestinian Peace Rally in Trafalgar Square. Not surprisingly, there were a few extreme antisemites there, but mostly people were peacefully protesting against the occuption of Palestine. Evie seemed to be enjoying herself. Ignorance(and innocence)is bliss.
Next stop: Covent Garden, where Evie was instumental in helping me pick my meal at Neal's Yard:
Jim accidentally did a great impression of Sil from the Sopranos. As an aside, we just figured out that Sil is also Bruce Springsteen's bassist. We quickly got online to see what Sil looks like normally...and nowwe can't decide if he looks stranger as Sil or stranger as himself.
After a long day, and incredibly good behavior by Evie, we headed home on the Tube. It's good to remember that we won't always have such unlimited access to this great city. We need to get out more!