Ode to this Blog
By Kate
Hi, I'm Kate. Today I want to tell you a little bit about why I LOVE this blog. But let me start by saying that I am the Queen of the world AND the authority on what is what in the world of blogs. What I say goes. When I say a blog rocks, the world stops what it's doing, drops all else, and checks it out. And I'm saying, today and officially, THIS BLOG ROCKS.
So why does this blog excel so much in the world of blogs? WELL, let me COUNT the ways. FIRST, Claire and Jim just have a way with words. They manage to subtly get right to the point and never bore us with too many details. What's that you say? Some suggest that Jim and Claire's blog is BORING? HORRORS! I am offended and scandalized by these allegations. I said this blog ROCKS and that means it ROCKS, holmes. So, get it straight.
Second, Jim and Claire don't mind making fun of themselves and others in their blog, which I find highly entertaining. I say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me!
Just kidding...I'm a pretty nice person. But not to people who denouce this blog!!! What what WHAT? You think it's kind of weird that sometimes they let their dog blog??!! Come on, people. Hearing things from a dog's point of view is always better than hearing it from a person's point of view. Think about it. Dogs can talk about diarreah and eating poop and no one thinks twice. When I talk about eating poop, people move away from me as quickly as they can. Anyay, I'm just wondering when Claire and Jim get a fish, so that he or she can tell us his or her perspective. I expect that a fish has a completely different outlook on life. Especially if it's a Beta.
And finally, the pictures on this blog seriously ROCK. Just look at this one of me! It's totally school teacher/librarian/hot godess. Notice how my beer, horizontally placed across from my pointing finger (which clearly emphasizes my eternal rightness) perfectly balances the portrait. Notice my rosey cheeks, the suggestive style of my shirt. Man, I look HOT.
In closing, I would like to say that I'm thinking of starting my very own blog. It will never surpass the quality of Claire and Jim's blog, but I'll give it my best effort.