So, my parents inherited this thing called a jumparoo from our next door neighbors. It's basically a giant hanging thing with flashing lights and music and other silly things and when my parents put me in it, I sink down really far and my arms stick up and my feet dangle because I'm TOO SMALL. They don't seem to get that, though, so they keep putting me in it and then talking in high pitched voices, which they think will make it all better. Unfortunately, because I am so little, I can't do anything about this except make this noise, which I think gets my point across:
My parents also got this rocking chair. I like it, but they say it is uncomfortable. Since I like it, though, it stays. That's the way things work around here.
Since we got the rocking chair, it was necessary to do some rearranging. I wish I could say that I helped with this arrangement, but my parents seem to think that I'm not capable of making interior design decisions, so they put me in the stupid jumparoo again while they moved furniture around. Finchley likes the new set up, obviously.
I also wasn't consulted about dinner, as I went to bed way before they got around to making it. Personally, I would have eaten sweet potatoes, but my Dad had a different idea. He made tuna steaks and asparagus and mashed potatoes.
He's very proud of his grilling:
Finchley thought that he was going to go outside and have an all night party like he sometimes does, but he couldn't figure out how to get his morbidly obese body through that small crack.
So he settled for staying inside.
Jack never gets to go outside and that makes him really mad. He tried to lazer my parents in an attempt to make a break for it, but it didn't work out for him. He took his frustration out on the kitty litter.
The next day my mom dressed me up like a farmer and we went to visit our friends Apollo, Alex and Ruth. We forgot to take pictures, but they really do exist. And fortunately my mom got some fashion sense and put me in a different onesie before we left in the house (so I looked like a farmer girl instead of a farmer boy).
We had a picnic in a park and I showed off by eating lots of apple sauce.
After our picnic, we had to take the tube back home. It was hot and boring and I decided that the only way I was going to get through it was by sticking my hand in my mom's mouth. For some reason, I think this is really funny. Usually my mom won't do it, but yesterday she humored me.
We also danced. As you can see, I was strapped to my mom, so I really had no control over this situation at all. When I'm older, I'll be embarrassed by this kind of behavior, but since I don't really understand that concept yet, I'm willing to tolerate it.
After all that action, I had to take a nap. Napping while dangling from a baby carrier in a hot and smelly tube is not ideal...especially when your diaper is leaking. But you've got to do what you've got to do when your parents are schlepping you around London during your nap time.
Family picture:
When we got home, I took another nap and then it was party time! First I partied in my high chair. I have to say, I was a little underwhelmed by my high chair and kept throwing my toys onto the floor to show that I would prefer to be rolling around. My parents didn't get it, though.
The real party was in the bathtub with Dad. He makes me laugh and I didn't even mind when he accidentally dunked me (if Mom had done that I would have screamed bloody murder). Mom took some PG pictures of Dad and me in the bathtub, but says we have to save them for when we need to blackmail Dad. I'm learning young about the power of photography!