Eddie and Jim joined the masses, who were using all manner of things to get down the hill. I saw people using plastic bags, recycle bin tops, some sort of formica thing,which looked like a piece of something from Ikea and there were actually some old fashioned and modern sleds. Jim had major sled envy when we passed a kid on a sled with a steering wheel.
I'm not sure that the experience was as thrilling as Jim had hoped. I thought my storage bin would fly down the hill because it had wheels, but I think the wheels may have dug into the melting snow and slowed down his movement. There definitely was not fire burning behind him as he made his way down the hill. He did, though, get snow down his pants (in the British sense of the word).
Although he was embarrassed to be seen with such a ghetto sled, Eddie agreed to give it a shot. He didn't have much luck either.
Meanwhile, Victoria and I were freezing in the wind at the top of the hill. Evie was bundled up like an Eskimo and enclosed in her super sonic stroller bubble and asleep, so she missed out on all the fun (and the wind).
As we made our way out of the park, Jim decided to give it one more go. It was this fatal last sled which broke my storage container and left my workout clothes homeless. I think it was only fair to say "I told you so." I am waiting for my replacement...