I just want you to know that even though you abandoned me, I'm doing OK. While you are flitting around the world, I am having to suffer through not being fed whenever I want to be fed, hardly ever getting table scraps and having to watch Finchley get to go outside while I have to stay in. That last part REALLY makes me mad, so I usually jump him as soon as he comes back in again.
Despite these hardships, there are some positives to being left behind. For instance, there is a new afghan, upon which I enjoy spending my days. With Finchley outside most of the day, I get all the attention from the people. I also have been spending a lot of time sitting on the heaters. Additionally, it turns out that I actually really LIKE those organic aloe vera teeth cleaning treats that you got me, so every day I have a couple of those. Plus, I have learned that if I don't want to starve, I have to stay focused on eating my food so even though I feel like it's very dog-like behavior, I have started wolfing down my breakfast and dinner. If I don't then my sumo-wrestler of a roommate eats it for me.
So, even though I would prefer to live with you, life is pretty good around here.
Love, Jack
PS Here are some pictures of me from last night. Claire would like you to know that her butt is not really as big as it appears in the second picture. I don't know the difference between a big butt and a small butt, but I know a warm butt when I see one!