Well, blogger seems not to like posting my well thought out blogs lately, which is really a pain the bottom. So, my past two posts have just disappeared into cyberspace. I'm going to try posting without pictures and then posting the pictures separately. Good thing I don't have anything better to do than blog.
SO, this weekend Jim and I discovered a "Jim and Claire Certified Area" to live in--the Hampstead Heath area (Hampstead, Belsize Park, and areas near there). Hampstead Heath is a big, beautiful park with trails and swimming ponds, and hills, and tennis courts, and trees, and lots of people and their dogs, which is frequently featured in movies about London. After we walked through the park, we climbed up some High Hill Street (that's not right) and before we walked through the park, we explored the Hampstead area, which is a bustling, young, trendy, fun area. Although we are enjoying Greenwich, it can be a little rough around the edges and crusty (Jim's word). Hampstead just is our style, even though it's more expensive and a less convenient commute for Jim. Another bonus is that Meg and Dan live there. So, I'm going to check out some flats tomorrow, even though we can't rent anything yet since things are still being sorted out with Jim's work (if we can ever get through the paperwork, they will sign the lease for us...since we can't do it without a bank account. All the logistics!)
Speaking of commutes...we got a taste of what happens when the rail lines shut down on Saturday. Our tube stop (and several after) was closed, so we hopped on a bus, packed in like kippered herring, and saw London from a different point of view. I was facing backwards, so I missed all of the erratic driving that was going on, but we eventually we made it to Camden Town, where we could get into the tube again. There were masses of people trying to get in at once (all having been diverted from the train at earlier stops) so the rail service people were shutting the gate every few minutes to control the crowds. It was chaos...but organized chaos! We got a glimpse of Camden Town, which is artsy and full of mohawks and piercings and street performances and, apparently, great antiques. Some other day we will explore more thoroughly. And hopefully most days the trains aren't so messed up. Later in the day, yesterday, someone was under the train...probably commited suicide. A gruesome way to go...and something that happens pretty frequently here, from what we hear.
Last night Dan came to our neck of the woods--Meg was at a retreat for her school and sorely missed! Jim, Dan and I marveled at the nightlife in Greenwich and then waited for more than an hour past our 9:00 reservations to eat at a tapas place. We had a lively and very biased discussion about why I shouldn't be part of the American Women's Club (mostly based on the pictures of the members included in my packet and some of the kitchy (sp?) descriptions of what they do and also on my inability to become "adorable" and play bridge...and my need to focus on my career! Fortunately, my career does not include golf, bridge, or shopping in the high class retail establishments of London.) After we decided that I shouldn't be in the women's club, we spent some time making fun of the incredibly bad art that is for sale all over our short term flat. Considering that I can only draw stick figures and that my handwriting is practically illegible, I really should have kept my mouth shut about the art work...but it really is funny that it is for sale at such high prices! Thank god for the complimentary post cards that come with the rental! (and I'm so glad that we are all so mature)
Anyway, good times were had by all this weekend. We enjoyed a temporary break in the rainy weather today and walked all over Greenwich and Blackheath. Jim is almost over his cold and goes back to work tomorrow. I am back to my solitary explorations and the weather is back to normal again...currently we are having 70 mph winds and then, tomorrow, rain. We don't have plans for Thanksgiving because Jim has a big deadline the next day (reminder to self: the British don't celebrate Thanksgiving). I will have to be a good wife and cook something Thanksgiving style.