Lately we've been going to Camden a lot and yesterday we wanted to get out of the house and enjoy the weather, so that's where we headed. But first...some cat pictures!
Here is Finchley outside in the morning, peering in through the kitchen door, eagerly anticipating his breakfast, which comes second to going outside in the morning.

And here is Jack, eagerly awaiting the moment that we finally let him outside (which is never). Poor Jack. Stay tuned for cat glamor shots at a later date.

And then we were off on our walk to Camden! (All pictures in this blog were taken by Jim, which is why there aren't any of him. I will make a point of including tons of pictures of Jim in future blogs because I feel like I'm showing up too much in the blog lately. But Jim takes better pictures than I do..with or without me in them.)
We made a pit stop about fifteen minutes after we started to get coffee and give me one of many bathroom breaks. We got iced coffee, which was delish and pictured below:

Note the sunshine in all these pictures. London has been really beautiful. You can smell fall in the air, but the rain hasn't started yet and it's really been nice to be able to spend so much time outside.
I'm pretty sure that we have this same picture with Jim in it somewhere on this blog....

Moroccan lamps and a juice stand in Camden Market.

The rave store is always very entertaining. Maddy has informed me that she knows the owner, so now Jim and I can get all the glow in the dark, blinking and space aged outfits that we a discount! Whohoo! Seriously, though. We spent a good 20 minutes in this place and remarking on how far rave fashion has come since our raving days (I think I went to all of two raves during my raving days, so I'm not exactly a rave connoisseur...but what I can remember is a lot of people dancing around with glow sticks and a girl dressed in a cheerleader outfit. Way low tech.)
Clearly I wasn't wearing my rave clothes in this picture, because you can't even see me.

This hat has great promise...with Billy Bob teeth:

Back outside in the non-black lit light of day, I made another pit stop and Jim took some really nice pictures of various Camden wares. Paper lamps:

Sexy dresses on mannequins:

Colorful zipper purses:

Purses and rugs and towels...oh my!

After eating some spicy West African food from a stall, we made our way along the canal towards Regents Park. I may be repeating myself, but the canals that run through London are some of our favorite places to walk. You can walk from Abbey Road along the canal that goes through Regents Park all the way to Camden and beyond. They run throughout the city and people live on them in houseboats. I think living in a houseboat would be fun for about a week and I'm impressed with the people who do it year round. It's a cheap way to have real estate in London and in the winter you can smell the wood stoves that people have stoked in their boats. It's nice.

In Regents Park, people were out enjoying the weather and there was much football happening! (as usual)

The Blue Herons of Regents Park were also out in full force. They hover around the ducks and geese and I'm pretty sure they eat the bread that people toss, which is pretty funny. They roost in the tops of the trees in raggedy looking nests. We love them because they remind us of home, where the herons stand on one leg in the bayou and make a croaky sound early in the morning.