It was a kind of grey morning so when I got to Primrose Hill the city looked a little hazy. Already, by this point (about two miles into my walk) I was feeling about 50 times better than when I left the house.

In Regents Park, the leaves are falling and there was a definite smell of fall:

The tips of the trees are starting to change color already! Last year we dreaded fall, but this year I'm kind of ready for it. It doesn't seem like the summer went by quite as quickly this year.

I remembered to bring some bread for the ducks--another happy thing to do when I'm feeling tired and glum. No ducks are as cute as the ducks we fed in Germany, but these ducks were pretty entertaining. Unfortunately the seagulls were there in full force, too. They were loud and piggish...but not as piggy as many seagulls I've known!

After my walk, Joe and Maddy came over for some riveting games of Guitar Hero. I'm still not very good, but with their expertise we managed to unlock a couple of more songs. VERY exciting.
1 comment:
thought of you guys this morning while listening to NPR's morning edition. featured was author sarah lyall, whose new book, "the anglo files: a field guide to the british" could prove useful to you both. later.
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