Even though my Dad was sick, he got up with me on Saturday morning so my mom could sleep in. She thought he was just being whiny, but then he threw up and she felt sorry for not being more sympathetic. Anyway, my Dad LOVES music and he's trying to teach me all about it. He let me pick what we were going to listen to on Saturday morning. I picked The Cure, obviously. (by the way, he got me those cool pjs when he was in France. They are very comfy!)
Then I stood on my head:
On Sunday, my Dad was still sick, so my mom and I ditched him to go celebrate Chinese New Year with our neighbors. We did tell him that we loved him first, since, after all, it was Valentines Day.
Our neighbors Genista and Michael invited us over to celebrate with our other neighbors, Simon, Hua and Jack. Jack is my friend and Hua is actually Chinese. Genista and Michael's daughter lived in China for five years, so they all know lots about China. I wasn't in the best mood, unfortunately, so I spent most of our time there yelling about one thing or another until we finally had to leave, but my mom enjoyed our brief lunch.
I got to sit in a big chair like a big girl, which would have been really cool if I hadn't been in such a foul mood. Mostly I wanted to just play with all the wonderful jewelry that M and G's daughter made and which was in bowls all over the place and within my reach! They were very patient with me as I attempted to destroy their house like I do at my own.
Jack and I played under the very cool glass table. I was pretty intrigued by the fact that I could stand under it and see everything that was on top of it and above it. Michael made the table out of a glass door, which he put on two old singer sewing machine stands. Mom said it was cool.
I had duck, which I thought was quite tasty. But I wouldn't eat my dumplings and mostly I just wanted to go home, so I pitched a big fit and my mom finally gave up and took me back home again. Then I slept for about 4 hours straight, so I did have a point.
Yesterday my mom got sick and my Dad was at work, so I started the day off being really good and in a good mood. As you can see, I now know how to stick my finger in my nose, which my mom thought was funny (against her better judgment).
After that, I got to do my first independent finger painting. The last time I did finger painting I was six months old and my mom helped me a lot. But this time I did it on my own!
I worked very hard and I am very proud of my artwork and so are my parents!
After the painting, my mom tried to get me to watch the Muppets. I DID watch it for a little while, but then I wanted to play. Even though my mom was awake, she DIDN'T want to play, so that made me mad and I decided to spend the rest of the day screaming as much as possible to get her back. I definitely made an impact.