There were lots of people out sunbathing and enjoying the weather in the park.
When we got to the festival, this is the first thing that we saw:
I think the sexy (creepy) bunny was promoting lingerie...
Anyway, it wasn't all of the creepy bunny theme. There were lots of people and lots of food stalls and samples and music on the streets and dancing and just plain old good fun. A lot of the proceeds made from the fayre went toward supporting the Teenage Cancer Fund. So it was a pretty feel good day.
Jim and Evie, both hungry at this point, managed to muster up some smiles for me.
After wandering around a little bit with some friends, we finally settled down in a park, where Evie proceeded to have the time of her life. First she rolled around:
Then she did some tummy time:
Then some yoga:
A little standing:
Some hanging around:
And finally, some flying (see previous blog for laughing, drooling video footage):
Before getting some Daddy hugs:
And an awesome balloon:
There were flamenco dancers with sangria samples:
And people salsa dancing in the streets:
(but no Morris dancers!!?? Gasp! Where's the national pride!? Spain was definitely represented...)
On the way back through the park, we saw some people playing the ukulele, the banjo and the washboard. they also had the words to the song written out on a piece of white cloth, so that everyone could sing along:
The row boats and paddle boats were out in full force on the boat pond:
People were lolling on Primose Hill:
It was a happy day! Summer in London makes you forget how long it takes to actually get to summer in London...