While not the restful and relaxing holiday that I had envisioned (yes, I was still thinking that traveling with two kids and leaving Jim at home was going to be easy peasy, but now I know), we had a great and LONG visit with family, starting with the much anticipated arrival of Mom, Kate and the adorable Cora. As soon as they could cope, we headed out on our first London adventure. The City Farm again!!!!
Evie and Cora rocked the Farm Mobile and Millie was in the sling (and thus not featured in a lot of these pictures, as the sling was attached to my chest):

Aunt Kate and Evie checked out the ducks taking a bath. Just before this picture was taking the ducks were having sex so things weren't as innocent as they seem!

Cora loved the baby goats:

Evie, on the other hand, shrieked in terror when the mother goat moved too quickly in our direction, so Mom decided that a good way to get her over her newly discovered fear of goats was to pick one of the babies up and bring it to Evie to pet.

Not surprisingly, she got yelled at. I think the man's exact words were, "PUT THAT DOWN, PLEASE!" So she did. But not before Evie patted its head!

Here is a picture of Millie, just to show that she is still around (as a side note, that is her extra special quilt made by her beautiful and talented Aunt Kate, which she is lying on):

We had beautiful weather in London while Mom and Kate were visiting, so we headed to Primrose Hill for a picnic and some walking (and crawling).

Millie loves her Lala and was quite taken with her own tongue at that point in her life....

Cora loves the sand....

And everyone loves to swing! Especially Millie:

There was also some famous person who I couldn't identify being stalked by the paparazzi. Not very interesting when you don't know who the famous person was (I'll chalk it up to not being British), but still exciting to witness!
Americans are enthusiastic about holidays and The Hampstead Women's Club (which is mostly made up of Americans) is no exception. Easter celebrations started a month early and we were there for the earliest Easter Egg hunt on the planet...although nobody in this picture looks very excited about the prospect of hunting eggs:

Cora was, though! She is enthusiastic about most things:

Evie definitely found more than the 10 eggs that she was allowed to find:

Sisters and sisters and cousins! Can you tell which ones belong to me?

Jim and Millie shared a sweet moment before we left the house:

Evie refused to go within 20 feet of the Easter Bunny and even Cora was a little leery. Here she is frantically trying to get away from that creepy Easter Bunny!

Lunch time in Regent's Park!

Evie was eager to help push Cora around the park:

Every night we had dinner together at home. Here is Kate with the much more labor intensive than anticipated British version of a quesadilla creation that she made. Clearly Jim had a great appreciation for her masterful chef skills:

It WAS good.
Queen Evie, of course, rounded up her ladies in waiting and everyone dressed up in their bug and wench and Disney princess dresses. Cora looked especially fetching in her off the shoulder number:

Not to be outdone, Evie then put on Cora's off the shoulder outfit, which was obviously way too small for her and which horrified her father, who declared it indecent. It has officially been passed down to Millie, who lacks the appreciation for princesses that one needs when channeling Snow White:

We did take a brief trip into Central London sans kids before we headed to America. Alas, it was short lived, but we flew through a little of the National Gallery, had an overpriced lunch and then bought some junk at the Covent Garden Market (it was "junk" day, but still appealing. Mom got Evie a rubber, goo filled egg that you throw onto the floor or wall and it expands and then retracts back into a ball. Pretty gross and Evie punctured it within 10 seconds).

It was great to have Mom, Kate and Cora in town, but I think we were all happy when we got to Tallulah and were able to spread out a little bit. There is only so long that four adults can share one bathroom! Up next: The Farm portion of our American visit.