Part of the reason Evie was so excited to get Valentines Day started was that she knew she would get to wear the Valentines dress that Gram got her. Although she is a fashionista, she is also practical and chose to wear the dress over her warm green pajamas. What a trendsetter!
A few screaming minutes later, we were off for a walk and lunch at a pub.
Jim got Evie a balloon for her stroller. She screamed with joy (Note: she might only be one month old, but she LOVES balloons. We tie them to her changing table and they are a great distraction):
At the pub, they said she had a 'cute' cry. We were glad they felt that way. Once she got her milk, she was cute and QUIET (which makes her extra cute). She was mesmerized by the giant TV and placed some bets on horse races.
She asked that she have her picture taken alone at the top of Parliament Hill. She strives to be independent:
But then I insisted that she let me pose with her because I wanted to see how my red sweater turned out in the artsy picture. She did not protest, but slept peacefully.
It was a fun Valentines Day. In the evening, Jim grilled us steaks, asparagus and mushrooms and we managed to get Evie to sleep long enough that we could eat dessert at the same time--chocolate fondant and ice cream! YUM.