On November 15, our little Millie came screaming into the world. In the interest of actually getting this blog done sometime before she is five, I'm not going to go into as much detail as I did when Evie was born (sorry Millie, but, as you already know, this is your lot in life as the second child. But it doesn't mean we love you less)!
After a night of labor, which suddenly just stopped, the doctor advised that Jim and I go for a walk, get some breakfast and see if things started up again. When this picture was taken, I was halfway through my oatmeal and totally in labor again. I got my epidural as soon as I could when we got back to the hospital.

And a couple of hours later, covered in meconium and making her entrance into the world before the doctor could even get there (thanks to the midwife!) Millie joined us.

Unlike her sister, she has reddish hair, blue eyes (at this point) and fair skin. Even though she and Evie look a lot alike in a lot of ways, Millie definitely has her own style and is very determined to be heard at all hours of the night and day. You can't tell from these early pictures, but she is feisty! When she screams her face turns bright red and her blonde eyebrows stand out on her forehead like someone has drawn them on with white chalk. It would be funny if we weren't so sleep deprived around here.

One of Millie's first challenges in life has been avoiding getting the chicken pox and, unfortunately, we're still not sure she has succeeded. First Evie had them just before Millie was born and then Jim got them when Millie was about a week old. She has definitely been exposed, but time will only tell whether or not my antibodies are still protecting her. Once Evie was cleared and we could come home, she was thrilled to welcome her new little sister:

And Jim is, clearly, a proud Daddy with his two beautiful girls:

When she was 3 days old, Millie had her first walk in Hampstead Heath:

And, like Evie, she hates taking a bath. Luckily, Evie is there to help her get through her bath and to sooth her after she's out (although I'm not sure Millie is too keen on Evie's affections at this point. Usually after Evie "soothes" there is hysteria).

She's a cutie pie and we are lucky to have such beautiful and sweet daughters to get us through the days! Welcome to the world, Millie!