I made it and finally we are together again...and in London. To me, it still doesn't feel like this is where we are going to be living.
This city is HUGE. You can see part of it in the background of the picture of me, where we viewed it from the top of Greenwich Park at the Royal Observatory:

We stood on the Prime Meridian, marveled at the home of the astronomer who's name I can't remember, and then spent the rest of the day Greenwich and Blackheath, walking through miles of green parks and winding through neighborhoods and pub and shop lined streets. We almost got run over several times...I'm especially having a hard time with remembering which way to look for oncoming cars and hope that I will not have to report that I have been run over by a double decker bus. Whoever came up with the idea to write "Look Right" and "Look Left" on the sidewalks has probably saved my life several times today.
We also are both struggling with the accents and do a lot of nodding and smiling, when we don't quite understand what's being said to us.
Jim spent some time practicing saying "Allo" and "Cheers!" on a public phone, while I accidentally asked some people what kind of soup "y'all" have and then made small talk with some people with a dog and then a guy selling purses. I'm not sure if my usual blabbermouth self is going to fly with the British, but we'll see.

"Allo, mate! Cheerio and blimey and all that!"