Here's me in church (which hasn't happened in at least six years), looking very religious with the candles in the background. It was a very beautiful church and Melissa and George looked very beautiful and handsome respectively. There were lots of hats and hymns that had familiar words and unfamiliar tunes.
After the wedding, we were lucky to be able to catch a ride in the chartered coach (which was meant to be for the older people, but since we hung around talking to friends until after most of the other wedding guests had moved on, we were still there when they realized that they had some extra room). The after ceremony drinks were at Leadenhall Market outside of a pub with a Mariachi band playing. Very fun! I wasn't drinking, but I did scarf down a lot of delicious appetizers and got to chat with Melissa, the blushing bride.
Thus end the pictures, but not the party. We headed off to dinner and were seated at the 'random' (Melissa's label) table with Melissa and George, our friend Keren and various other foreigners. We had great conversations and met a lot of really nice people during dinner. And the food was delicious. Especially the pear tart with ice cream. When I was a kid I used to be sad when I got to the end of my dessert, but I hadn't had that feeling any time recently until I got to the end of my pear tart with ice cream. I just didn't want it to end.
Sadly, due to slightly too much wine at dinner on Jim's part and just general tiredness on my part, we headed home just as the music and dancing were getting started. We had a great time at our first English wedding, though and look forward to our second English wedding tomorrow. And this time we will remember to bring our camera.