We kicked things off again on Evie's birthday-eve, by having an extended hang out with her friend Oliver, which ended with a fun bath. Oliver's bathtub is much bigger than Evie's and his bath toys rocked. There was much splashing to be done and then Evie headed home to get some beauty sleep before her big day.
We woke up on Evie's birthday morning to fresh snow. Finchley wasn't the only one excited about this!
Jim stayed home for part of the morning so that we could open presents and eat breakfast together.
Then Evie and I went for a walk in the fresh snow in Hampstead Heath. Turning 1 has increased her confidence in the 'snow walking' department and she toddled along at great speed.
Another highlight was a ladybug balloon, which she still is carrying around with her everywhere she goes.
And we had some cake and steamed milk before we went home. A couple of hours later, the cake kicked in and Evie spent the last hour of her birthday in Tasmanian Devil mode. Live and learn.
The celebrations didn't end there! On Saturday we had a celebration at home. There were colorful cupcakes:
Delicious pizza:
Dancing beauties:
Tender moments--Marilyn (aged 5 months) was chewing on Evie's head and Evie was happy to share (her head):
General confusion on Evie's part regarding the birthday candle and what to do with it:
A moment under the table:
And lots of great presents, including these warm and ruffly pjs:
It was a happy day and a happy way to end a week of celebrating our new favorite day of the year! Happy Birthday Evie!