Better late, than never...the story of our visit to Houston!
In Houston, Millie sat in her first big girl high chair with a fabulous toy that Nana got for her. She loves this three headed creature, still, and plays with it almost every day:

Papa figured out what she loves pretty quickly!

Fun times at the neighborhood playground! And we found and even bigger one a couple of miles away. Kingwood has lots of great places to play.

And Evie got to participate in her annual watering of Nana's garden. One of her favorite things to do!

She also got to model Aunt Mendy's vintage tutu, which Nana made.

But the highlight by far was being reunited with her beloved cousin Jenna, who was really sweet and shared all of her toys and taught Evie some really cool new dance moves.

Another exciting thing: cupcakes! Nana made them and Evie and Jenna decorated and consumed them (and so did the rest of us. Yum!). Proud cupcake decorators:

Meanwhile, Millie was reaping the benefits of Nana love:

And getting smooches from her Aunt Mendy:

Easter Girls!

And getting ready for the Easter Egg Hunt!

Evie proved to be much like her mother in the Easter Egg hunting department, mostly following Jenna around to the eggs that Jenna found first. But occasionally she found one on her own.

Later, there was much rejoicing:

Not to mention a delicious Easter meal:

With extended family! Jim was missed!

Millie was soothed by various loving uncles and grandfathers throughout the week:

But not really by Evie (pictured here at the Houston Zoo, scaring Millie with large drums):

Friend Fiona came along for the fun at the zoo, but she was more scared of the chimpanzees than she was of the drums:

Millie also made it her mission to learn to read before Daddy got to Houston.

And when he got there, Evie was the first to greet him at the airport (after several hundred trips up and down the airport escalators, much to the amusement of a group of nuns who were also waiting for someone to arrive). She was so excited, she forgot to swallow her biscotti.

Millie was also happy to have her Daddy back and snuggled up in his lap:

On Jim's second day, we took a short drive to a really nice, woodsy park in Kingwood, which runs along Lake Houston. The weather was still nice at that point, but probably now it wouldn't be such an idyllic place to be due to the oppressive heat and humidity. We really enjoyed walking there in the spring, though!

Evie with her big walking stick to keep away all the alligators:

Some little feet on the way back from the playground:

A few days into Jim's visit, we ventured into Houston again. We started our visit with a ride on the Hermann Park train. Doesn't everyone look excited!!!??
Despite the lack of train enthusiasm, Hermann Park is WAY better than it was when we lived there and has a nice man made lake as well as some pretty awesome playgrounds (with the requisite sketchy looking homeless people hanging around to keep it real).

We also paid a visit to our favorite place: The Houston Butterfly Museum! There was a little anxiety about the big caterpillar:

And also about the other large bugs around:

Evie was very interested in the technology outside of the butterflies and in looking at the cocoons:

Millie loved the butterflies!

Evie, like last year, was ok with them from a distance...

But the closer they got...

The less she liked it.

Butterfly Hysteria!!!!!! (at this point, she jumped up and started screaming, which amused everyone around us)

Whew, saved from that terrifying and dangerous butterfly!

More in town excitement included celebrating Kristian and Jaime's anniversary at a yummy restaurant, the name of which is eluding me at the moment. Five years of love and happiness (and two super cute kids--Ella and Fiona)!

And then it was family reunion time, with the arrival of Pat and Tom, who flew in from Birmingham for a visit. We've been lucky to see them two years in a row now.

Evie dressed for the occasion:

Handsome Avant men:

Beautiful Avant women!

And the stunning youngest generation of Avant women! (I am not talking about myself, obviously. I was only the support for the beautiful Millie and her gorgeous cousin Olivia)

Bartender. The margaritas were STRONG (surprise, surprise).

The festivities continued!

Millie and I watched in awe as Evie performed a fairy dance:

And then Millie danced off to bond with her sweet Aunt Pat:

Mindy, Olivia and Pat:

Family! Later that evening and improptu talent show took place. Some highlights of talent in the Avant family: Jim can squeak his ear, there was a Bama vs. War Eagle school song whistling throw down, Pat demonstrated her fish lips, Jenna and Ryan did some great dance moves and then I was moved to teach Jenna and Olivia how to do the Hammer crab walk. Jenna also did a great horse noise! Lots of talent!

Evie and Millie and Daddy:

And a big snuggle with Uncle Tom and Aunt Pat:

A first motorcycle ride (I really hope she will never get on a motorcycle that is moving!!):

Jim, banished to the green train at the galleria (Evie and I were on the blue one and Millie was home with Nana and Papa):

Shoe shopping:

It was a great visit and after all that excitement we were wiped out. It was a LOOONG flight back to London, but worth it to spend so much time with family: