Jim has a new love....BABIES! You'll recall, from an Ofoto download not long ago, that Jim did not used to have such a good relationship with babies. In fact, he consistently made them cry. Hand a baby to Jim and both he and the baby would get VERY uncomfortable. Even with our adorable, happy neice, Jenna Hope, Jim is tentative. (Note: we'll be dedicating a whole blog to Olivia and Jenna, our neices, including some pretty awesome baby pictures of Olivia from back in the day. We'll also be creating an entire blog dedicated to Kate, during her most fashionable days. Posting old, embarassing pictures of people on the internet never gets old.) Anyway, with the help of a little champagne, it appears that Jim's baby attitude may have changed! We took a trip up north for Paul and Natalie's wedding and Jim, it seems, has become a new man! A BABY man.
The first picture is Jim, REALLY excited, because he just felt the little Bagley give a good hearty kick! Then, the next day, at Paul and Natalie's wedding, Jim played airplane with cute litte Ella Manon. She was so tickled that she threw up on him. After that, Jim was so enamored that he said, "I want one!" Suspecting that he had champagne goggles on, I re-confirmed the comment on Sunday and Jim quickly clarified, "I meant I want one some day a few years from now after we've travelled to Europe." Whew. (Don't worry, Mendy...some day we'll have one.)
In the meantime, enjoy these pictures of Jim with other people's babies. Unfortunately, we didn't get pictures of every baby over the weekend, but ALL the babies at the wedding (and there were a lot) were well behaved and could have been Gerber's or Huggies models.
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