Well, we are officially rodeo'd out here in Fort Worth (at least the two of us are...I can't speak for everyone else here). Last night we went to the Saturday night rodeo in Fort Worth. It was a packed house full of cowboys and cowgirls and rootin' tootin' good times. Unfortunately, my new friend was unable to get me a Pig Club hat, but he said maybe next year.
On our second rodeo night, we decided to puruse the stockyards, where we watched the cows and bulls being bathed, groomed (shaved!), blown dry, and then vacuumed off. they were very shiny and soft and fluffy. We saw chicks hatching and marveled at cross-bred ewes, pigs, and donkeys. We posed with llamas and snorted with pigs:

And then, to make sure we got the full animal experience, I got into a llama cage and did my best llama imitation:
Then we got serious. After a feast on bbq, we headed to our seats (in the nosebleed section on Saturday night) and watched buckin' broncos, calf roping (no calves hurt this year), barrell racing, trick riding (weird gymnastics done while riding on a galloping horse and wearing strange spandex outfits), bull riding and many other exciting rodeo events. We also decided that the clowns who taunt the bulls during the bull riding must be certifiably insane.
What fun! I encourage anyone who can to check out the Fort Worth rodeo. We've had enough for one year, but next year we'll be back for more.
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