Rashmi and Siddarth are in town visiting Rashmi's sister, so we all met in Canary Wharf, where Jim works, for lunch. Rashmi and I, to Jim's amusement, both were wearing our skinny jeans with boots over them--London Posers! Unfortunately, we did not catch this phenomenon on film, but we did get a nice picture of Siddarth, Rashmi and Jim before we all headed our separate ways this afternoon. Rashmi and Siddarth have already done more in the two days that they have been here than we have done the whole time we've been here (or almost)--very impressive! And they are doing it in style, as Rashmi looks quite the Londoner with her boots over jeans.
Here is a picture of me levitating in my new outrageously priced (GAP) skinny jeans and boots. Skinny jeans aren't so bad, really:
I can't believe what a follower I am.
For the past two days, I have been looking at more flats in the areas of Hampstead, West Hampstead, and St. John's Wood (which is near Hampstead, but closer to Regent's Park). I may not have a job, but I am worn out from looking at flats. And everytime I like one, it gets let by someone else before we even have a chance to think about making an offer. So, this is good training in patience for me (not one of my strongest personality traits) and I am learning to look and see what I like and get an idea of what kinds of flats we'll be able to afford...and not get too excited about anything. I still like Hampstead better than St. John's Wood, but you get a little more for your money in St. John's Wood, it would be an easier commute for Jim, and, near there is Abbey Road and Paul McCartney's rumored home (which I saw...the crosswalk, not the home. It looks like all the other crosswalks in London.) Very exciting!
The flat I liked the best today, which has already been rented by someone else since I saw it two hours ago, was at the top of a mansion block, large, lots of windows, a beautiful kitchen, and the potential not to allow cats...so it probably wouldn't have worked for us anyway since our cats are very much in our future in London. There were a couple of other flats with great windows and private gardens, which DID allow cats, so eventually we will find some permanent place to live. Once we are able to jump on a flat, we'll do it. We're just not there yet (big sigh...this is another lesson in patience for me).
Stay tuned to hear how Thanksgiving dinner cooked by me in a foreign country goes and whether or not I go to Stonehenge at the end of the week.

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