But first, here is a picture of brussel sprouts, which were growing in a garden on the last country hike I took. I never know that brussel sprouts grew like this...I actually never really considered how brussel sprouts do grow and now I know...and so do you.
Hampstead Heath is about a 20 minute run from our new house. In fact, we are right between two great parks, both of which are about a 20 minute run from us...so I'm looking into how to take the bus, so that I can spend more time running in the parks instead of weaving in and out of traffic trying to get to the parks. The Heath has several swimming ponds, which I plan to use during the summer, and lots of trails that run through it. There is also the Kenwood house, the picture of which I forgot to put on my memory stick, so I'll have to include the picture in another blog (ahhh blogging from the internet cafe!) Anyway, during the summer, they have concerts from a stage in the middle of one of the ponds and people can sit on their blankets with their picnic baskets in the evening and listen for free from the hill below Kenwood House. That will be a lot of fun. There is a lot to look forward to in summer (maybe less rain!).
Dogs were even happy about the sunshine. If you look closely you can see that one of the dogs is carrying a stick twice his size!
D.H. Lawrence spent some time in Hampstead Heath and lived in this house during the year 1915. I would think that the Heath would be an inspiring place to write.
There is a cute little neighborhood (and I'm sure very expensives) tucked within the park, close to the ponds.
And here you can see the muddy trail that we trudged up. Meg and I were in our Wellies, so our feet stayed dry, but Dan got a little wet.
Jim wasn't able to join us due to engineering work on the tube, which prevented him from getting to us, but we were able to meet later and have some fun in our neighborhood at the Chech bar down the street, where we pondered intestinal soup and snacked on some vaguely peanut flavored chip type things that were actually pretty good!
I love LOndon!
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