My Shug asked me recently if I ever went back to re-read things that I have written. Generally, I do not, but tonight I decided to look at some past posts to remember things we have done since we moved here. Lo and behold, I got a response to my frustrated US Embassy post from someone who works at the Embassy (posted as a comment on my blog. Check it out!).
In fairness, I have to say that our experience at the Embassy wasn't horrible and probably just seemed more negative than it actually was because we were so frustrated with EVERYTHING at that point and still going through pretty major culture shock. It turns out Jim didn't need a new passport at all (the six month thing is apparantly a nasty rumor...but I might get a response from the visa people saying otherwise, so you might want to check back later) and we were able to get our visas with no problem at all. I appreciate that someone from the Embassy would take the time to explain to me how we should do it next time (and I'm sure that there will be a next time). So thanks!
But I guess this means that by mentioning a government agency in a blog, you automatically get checked on(and yes, I'm curious to see if I get a response to THIS blog entry, too). At least I can rest easy in the knowledge that I am good, law abiding, upstanding citizen with valid passport and visa and a happy and grateful guest of London. (and I'm glad we have an embassy, because it's a lot easier than trying to figure it all out by long distance!)
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