What better way to start off a trip to the Czech Republic than with a little healthy McDonald's? Feeling peaked after a work dinner and not enough sleep, Jim decided that McDonald's was right up his alley. I wanted a McDonald's soft serve, but the machine was broken so I had to settle for a not so good milkshake. It is just typical that for the first time in about ten years I actually want to eat something from McDonald's and it isn't available. And how do you make a milkshake if the ice cream machine is broken? I don't want to know what strange chemicals are involved in that.
Anyway...Prague was an adventure. We hopped on our easy jet flight and got there in an hour and a half. EASY! Then we went to the ATM machines where each of our ATM cards were inhaled and not returned. NOT EASY! After a few tears (mine) and some brainstorming (Jim's), we figured out that we could use our credit card to get money from one of those money changing places. Fortunately, we were staying in a nice hotel, because we had to spend our afternoon in our room calling Bank of America and sorting things out. Lesson learned: get money BEFORE arrival in the Czech Republic.
Despite our money woes and after a much needed nap, we headed out to explore Prague. We were staying a little outside of the main part of the city so there were fewer tourists and it was quiet. Our hotel was rustic and very nice with a beautiful garden and a yummy breakfast that served more than just ham and cheese and bread (something which we had a lot of during our week in Prague and Salzburg).
This pile of wood makes Dad's pile look like a pile of twigs:
Peaceful cobblestone streets and colorful buildings and a palace! Prague is really a beautiful city.
I can never resist the urge to try and look like a statue:
Prague is not a city for people who don't like to walk. It seemed like to get anywhere, you had to walk up a flight of stairs. These stairs went on for about half a mile and descended into the city. It was fun going down them and a trek coming back up. I can see why people in Prague don't have issues with obesity.
As we were walking down this street, someone reached from below and grabbed at my legs...or so I thought. I did the natural thing, which was to jump three feet in the opposite direction and squeal, which made everyone else around us laugh. I bet that happens a lot.
One of the famous landmarks in Prague is the Charles Bridge, which is lined with statues. It's also crammed with people and under construction, so we took this picture and then went BELOW the bridge, where things were much more civilized.
The Charles Bridge and seagulls:
Some glowing plastic penguins--part of an art exhibit at the modern museum of art.
Eventually, we made it up the stairs again and to bed. We were well rested and ready to schlepp all over the palace and beyond. But first, some silly pictures of Jim:
Inspired by Arrested Development, Jim strikes a chicken pose outside of this gigantic birdcage:
And was set up to look like the fountain was flowing onto the top of his head (I am a great and serious photographer, which Jim often appreciates):
We escaped the hoards of tour groups outside of the palace and wandered into the palace gardens. In keeping with the "many stairs" theme, they were built straight up on a hill and required much up and downing. They are actually almost maze-like and we found that we had to walk up a lot to eventually get out.
Back before I began carrying fifteen extra pounds around with me, I would have gotten much joy out of all the exercise we were getting and I would have been running a lot so all those stairs would have hardly phased me. In my current state, we had to take lots of rests in the shade and I humiliatingly got leg cramps. I sometimes feel like an old lady, but Jim is a fan of pregnancy: slower walking, more rests, lots of naps, increased food consumption, priority seating on some airplanes...it's right up his alley! He actually suggested that I stay pregnant for the rest of my life so that we can get on all our airplanes early.
A rest in the shade of the 'small garden'
Upstairs, downstairs...
Ok, getting a little tired of the stairs...
Defeated by stairs.
From the top of the garden, we noticed a wall that looked like it was made of black stalactites. It WAS made of black stalactites and hidden within were creepy animals like snakes and lizards. There were also many peacocks just hanging around. I tried feeding one bread, but apparently peacocks don't like bread. Later in the trip, I found out that ducks are not fans of apples. There was much to learn about avian life!
Albino peacock rejects my efforts to bond through shared rye bread. Oh well. More bread for me.
Following the stalactites, we happened upon the Czech version of fried dough (which I don't actually think was fried but was cooked over a fire). It was hollow, cinnamon-y deliciousness.
Then we went up a huge hill on a very crowded train/gondola thing, I hit a wall, we walked back down to our hotel and took a nap.
But that's not all! THEN, we went back into town and to a classical music concert! I actually was totally exhausted by this point, but something that hasn't changed with pregnancy is that once we've spent money on something we're doing it damn it. I don't care if my hands and feet are swollen to epic proportions and I can barely walk due to leg cramps!
In the square that is touted as the most beautiful square in Europe. We've seen so many squares now that I can't really say whether or not this square is the most beautiful, but it is pretty nice.
The concert hall. The chairs were very, very hard and there was a woman sitting in front of us who was wearing a shirt that had giant eyeballs on it that couldn't help but draw your eyes to certain areas...which, along with her ridiculous hairstyle was very distracting (for me at least).
It soon became obvious that some of us weren't going to last through this concert, so despite our efforts to make sure we got some culture in the form of classical music, we snuck out early. It was 9:00, after all!
The next day, refreshed and full of a hearty breakfast (there is stark contrast between how much we Americans eat for breakfast vs. how much Europeans eat for breakfast. We had about three times as much as everyone else.) we climbed up some more stairs and clambered onto the tram, headed to the museum of modern art to see the penguins up close and personal.
On the way up the stairs, I encountered the biggest slug that I have ever seen in my life. It was about the size of a small squash.
The penguins had friends in the form of rabbits and dogs and alligators. Plastic sculptures and cubism were the main themes.
And there were couches, which made me happy.
The one thing we had to do before leaving Prague was to visit and pose with the Frank Ghery building!!! It's apparently an architectural masterpiece and Jim studied it when he was in school. I actually like the building in Cleveland better...
ANother thing we thought we should do before leaving town was to try some traditional food, so we both ordered a bowl of goulash. Jim's face in this picture pretty much sums up how we both feel about goulash. Needless to say, we avoided goulash for the rest of the trip.
And is a picture of me looking pregnant so that my mom will be happy.
Two Americans, two Brits and a bunch of pets!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chinese Dinner and a Visit to Houston
Vicksburg doesn't have a lot to offer when it comes to restaurants, but the Chinese restaurant is an old standby and has been there forever. We used to go on dates there in high school. So, in celebration of being all together, Mom, Dad, Mike, Debbie, Charles, Donna, Linda and I all went out to eat Chinese. Much wine was consumed and many fortune cookies were read with the addition of the words "in bed". It was funny.
Happy Chinese eaters!
I drove home because Dad had enjoyed the wine and I was stone cold sober. As we were coming around the bend in the pitch dark of HWY 80 a large doe walked out in front of the car and stopped--proverbial deer in the headlights. Miraculously, I didn't hit her, thus sparing my Dad's Yukon and all the slightly tipsy passengers (and the deer) from harm. It was scary!
The next day, I was sad to leave home but happy that I was going to my second home in Houston, where I got to see my other family--Jim's family! And I finally got to go swimming which was an added bonus.
Jack and Mindy looked as classy as always:
Jenna asked her mom if I got the baby in my tummy by eating it. Four is a little early for a sex talk, but we did manage to convince her that I didn't eat a baby. She HATES having her picture taken (as evidenced below), but she LOVES swimming and is getting really good at it. She can even swim without her floaties. Swimming took all her concentration, so I was able to get a forbidden picture.
Olivia stopped in to say hello and then was off to her busy social life. It was great to be in Houston, if only for 24 hours and I was sad and happy to go back to London. Sad, because it's hard to live so far away from family, but happy because the end result meant that I would see Jim who, when I got home, Jim modeled our baby's clothes for me. Stylin.
Happy Chinese eaters!
I drove home because Dad had enjoyed the wine and I was stone cold sober. As we were coming around the bend in the pitch dark of HWY 80 a large doe walked out in front of the car and stopped--proverbial deer in the headlights. Miraculously, I didn't hit her, thus sparing my Dad's Yukon and all the slightly tipsy passengers (and the deer) from harm. It was scary!
The next day, I was sad to leave home but happy that I was going to my second home in Houston, where I got to see my other family--Jim's family! And I finally got to go swimming which was an added bonus.
Jack and Mindy looked as classy as always:
Jenna asked her mom if I got the baby in my tummy by eating it. Four is a little early for a sex talk, but we did manage to convince her that I didn't eat a baby. She HATES having her picture taken (as evidenced below), but she LOVES swimming and is getting really good at it. She can even swim without her floaties. Swimming took all her concentration, so I was able to get a forbidden picture.
Olivia stopped in to say hello and then was off to her busy social life. It was great to be in Houston, if only for 24 hours and I was sad and happy to go back to London. Sad, because it's hard to live so far away from family, but happy because the end result meant that I would see Jim who, when I got home, Jim modeled our baby's clothes for me. Stylin.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
one more baby...
When I was in Dallas, I also got to visit with Brooks and Greg and meet Sophie! She is also very cute and very hungry. And VERY stylin in the cowgirl socks that I gave her. Alas, stylin does not necessarily mean happy in baby world:
But it didn't take long for her to get happy and snuggly. What a pose!
After her nap, she was all strapped in and ready to go. We had some good times at dinner! Brooks managed to get about two bites of her sandwich before Sophie got hungry again. She thought she was going to get some food from me, but I explained to her that she was nuzzling the wrong person. Back to mama she went. Babies eat a lot!
When Greg came home, he also got some Sophie action. Babies are a great accessory!
But it didn't take long for her to get happy and snuggly. What a pose!
After her nap, she was all strapped in and ready to go. We had some good times at dinner! Brooks managed to get about two bites of her sandwich before Sophie got hungry again. She thought she was going to get some food from me, but I explained to her that she was nuzzling the wrong person. Back to mama she went. Babies eat a lot!
When Greg came home, he also got some Sophie action. Babies are a great accessory!
A break with Captain Finchley
We don't have our baby yet, but we do have a rather large and fluffy furball named Captain Finchley who loves us like he's our baby. He prefers sleeping in the bathtub to sleeping with us and his favorite toy is a horse whip (kinky!). To comemerate his unique personality and action hero-ness, our next door neighbors Maddy and Joe created two custom made capes for Finchley to wear. Pictured below is Finchley in his "good" cape. He also has an "evil" cape, for when he does things like claw open the bag of kitty litter that I left sitting on the floor, thus making a huge and unnecessary mess. He also has a water fetish and splashes almost all of his bowl of water out onto the floor before he deigns to take a sip. But that doesn't count as evil--that's just a quirk. Anyway, here is Finchley being good. Evil pictures to be added at a later date. (and for the record, he doesn't seem to even notice when he's wearing his cape. This is not another case of 'Buster in the hot-dog costume' which was clearly not something he enjoyed, but something that brought us great joy because he looked so cute and funny. He makes a great hot dog! Also, Finchley's girth is not an optical illusion. He has suddenly become rather obese. We think he might be getting food somewhere else while he's out catting around.)
After almost two years, I made it to Dallas to see my friends! It was HOT, but great to see everyone. First stop was to visit Cameron. What a cutey he is!
He was hungry, too! Rachel knew how to handle that!
Then I headed to CI where I made the rounds and saw everyone before we all went to Chuey's. It was great to be back in the old 'hood'! A festive time was had by all at Chuey's. Especially by those who could drink margaritas. I watched the margaritas enviously, but there were no restrictions on enchiladas, so I hogged out on those. I love Tex-Mex and what better place to get it than in Texas, where it doesn't have any weird things added to it (like an olive on top)!
There was no competition when Anissa and I had belly wars. She won hands down. In fact, she had her baby the very next day! I'm glad I got to meet him in the womb and that I got to visit with his mama a little, too!
And then I met the REAL baby: Hitsuguya (I'm not sure I'm spelling that right). This dog was a charmer and his ability to get to food makes Buster look like an amateur. He may have short legs, but he's got a long body and a really long and sensitive nose. I've never seen such counter surfing! But look at that face! He could be forgiven for any silly behavior I think.
I think he might have Susan charmed, too. He's a 70 pound lap dog! I love him!
The next day, everyone stopped by to have some sandwiches and chips and dip and white cake with white icing (like wedding cake...delicious!)and to visit and to meet my ever expanding stomach. Marilu and Carolyn were the first to swing by:
We had a small crowd eventually. I have made a note to myself to take off my giant flip flops when posing for pictures with all my smaller friends. I look like an Amazon woman!
Last, but not least, Andrea stopped by with little Luke. My friends sure do have cute babies--human and canine alike! It was really fun to visit the CI Dallas crew. It's great to have such good friends in so many places!
He was hungry, too! Rachel knew how to handle that!
Then I headed to CI where I made the rounds and saw everyone before we all went to Chuey's. It was great to be back in the old 'hood'! A festive time was had by all at Chuey's. Especially by those who could drink margaritas. I watched the margaritas enviously, but there were no restrictions on enchiladas, so I hogged out on those. I love Tex-Mex and what better place to get it than in Texas, where it doesn't have any weird things added to it (like an olive on top)!
There was no competition when Anissa and I had belly wars. She won hands down. In fact, she had her baby the very next day! I'm glad I got to meet him in the womb and that I got to visit with his mama a little, too!
And then I met the REAL baby: Hitsuguya (I'm not sure I'm spelling that right). This dog was a charmer and his ability to get to food makes Buster look like an amateur. He may have short legs, but he's got a long body and a really long and sensitive nose. I've never seen such counter surfing! But look at that face! He could be forgiven for any silly behavior I think.
I think he might have Susan charmed, too. He's a 70 pound lap dog! I love him!
The next day, everyone stopped by to have some sandwiches and chips and dip and white cake with white icing (like wedding cake...delicious!)and to visit and to meet my ever expanding stomach. Marilu and Carolyn were the first to swing by:
We had a small crowd eventually. I have made a note to myself to take off my giant flip flops when posing for pictures with all my smaller friends. I look like an Amazon woman!
Last, but not least, Andrea stopped by with little Luke. My friends sure do have cute babies--human and canine alike! It was really fun to visit the CI Dallas crew. It's great to have such good friends in so many places!
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