Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chinese Dinner and a Visit to Houston

Vicksburg doesn't have a lot to offer when it comes to restaurants, but the Chinese restaurant is an old standby and has been there forever. We used to go on dates there in high school. So, in celebration of being all together, Mom, Dad, Mike, Debbie, Charles, Donna, Linda and I all went out to eat Chinese. Much wine was consumed and many fortune cookies were read with the addition of the words "in bed". It was funny.

Happy Chinese eaters!

I drove home because Dad had enjoyed the wine and I was stone cold sober. As we were coming around the bend in the pitch dark of HWY 80 a large doe walked out in front of the car and stopped--proverbial deer in the headlights. Miraculously, I didn't hit her, thus sparing my Dad's Yukon and all the slightly tipsy passengers (and the deer) from harm. It was scary!

The next day, I was sad to leave home but happy that I was going to my second home in Houston, where I got to see my other family--Jim's family! And I finally got to go swimming which was an added bonus.

Jack and Mindy looked as classy as always:

Jenna asked her mom if I got the baby in my tummy by eating it. Four is a little early for a sex talk, but we did manage to convince her that I didn't eat a baby. She HATES having her picture taken (as evidenced below), but she LOVES swimming and is getting really good at it. She can even swim without her floaties. Swimming took all her concentration, so I was able to get a forbidden picture.

Olivia stopped in to say hello and then was off to her busy social life. It was great to be in Houston, if only for 24 hours and I was sad and happy to go back to London. Sad, because it's hard to live so far away from family, but happy because the end result meant that I would see Jim who, when I got home, Jim modeled our baby's clothes for me. Stylin.

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