That said: Cezky Krumlov was a small, picturesque village in the Czech Republic.

It has a palace:

And a river:

And a really good Pizzeria, where we ate dinner after being traumatized by our goulash experience.
The only time it rained on the whole trip was when we were in this village. We had good luck with the weather!

This is not the best picture, but in the moat of the palace live two bears.

We climbed up to the top of the palace at dusk and looked out over the village.

It was a nice village, but not super exciting really. There were lots of tourists there and people partied all night long (we could hear them in the streets until about 5am). The one thing Jim wanted to do was go rafting, but I couldn't do that for obvious we moved on to Austria!

1 comment:
are rice czechs available as a continental breakfast alternative? just curious.
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