Anyway, Evie is definitely a Daddy's girl. Jim even comes home from work earlier now that she is here! And she loves to proclaim her love for him through her fashion statements.
Despite her late night antics, she is very cute (and even during the late night antics, although it's easier to enjoy the cuteness when it's not 3am).
We have discovered the wonderfulness that is our Kari-Me Sling. It works much better with a real baby in it (see trying to make it work with a stuffed animal in previous blogs)and Evie loves to be strapped in next to us. We DO look like Jedi warriors when we wear it, but this contraption is what is allowing me to blog right now and it's great for carrying her around the house and out and about.
This is the (much deserved) look that I get when the baby starts to cry and I hand her off to Jim.
Thug mama:
Evie's Nana and Papa sent her lots of cute presents and vintage shirts and snowsuits that Jim and Scott wore when they were babies. All wrapped in pretty bows! Here she is doing her best Aretha Franklin at the Inauguration impression.
Will Evie still be in the sling when I get there? If so, I want to try it out!
Evie is so sweet! She looks just like you, Claire. A bit of warning, Jim, there will come a day when she gives you that special "daughter-to-daddy" look that will get her out of trouble and you'll walk away wondering what happened. Anyway, Congratulations on your beautiful arrival...we can't wait to meet our little boy in May!
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