Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't forget the cats: By Finch and Jack

There are some things that never change.

1. The front window is where all the action happens.

2. One day I (Jack) am going to develop super-cat powers and get out of the front window. At that point, I am going to KILL that black and white cat. Until then, I'll take my frustrations out on Finchley.

3. I (Finchley) still think I'm part obese merekat.

4. Clearly we are the superior beings!*

*Her parents made us disclose that she isn't really cross-eyed. She just was looking really closely at one of her jungle gym toys. And we also are being forced to say that even when her eyes are crossed, we think she's still really cute. Gag.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Jack, if you ever did escape and killed that cat, I am sure the kitty jury would find you had reasonable cause. Because that cat is obviously taunting you!