Back before Evie was born, Jackie and Piotrek came to visit and we joked about how they should quit their jobs in Manchester and move to London. That isn't exactly how it happened, but now Jackie is working with Jim and they ARE moving to London. We are excited! On Saturday, we met them for dinner, during which an episode straight out of COPS happened right next to our table. Short version: Two grown women were dressed in hooker fairy costumes (they were hosting a fairy-themed birthday party for one of their daughters). For some reason that we never figured out, they were stopped by the police, at which point the fluorescent yellow fairy mom with fishnets and no panties started screaming obscenities, talking about how she was dying of lupus and the police were going to hell and then, in her six inch heels, ran off into traffic and down the street with a shortish cop chasing behind her. We were amazed at how fast she was, despite the heels, skimpy outfit and fairy wings. What drama! If I could have done it tactfully, I would have taken a picture of the slutty fairies, but a passer-by almost was beaten up by the boyfriend of one of them after doing just that (very obviously...not a smooth move), so I decided to keep my camera in my purse.
After our peaceful dinner, we wandered into the park, where a funfair was taking place (that explained the rough crowd in fairy costumes). Evie liked all the lights!

What a bizarre evening. Jackie said that she felt like she was in the twilight zone. It was fun anyway!
1 comment:
What? Jackie and Jim are gonna work together? How fun!
I would have given anything to see a picture of the fairy lady!
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