Monday, July 06, 2009

Fourth of July

Well, we're not patriotic and we live in England, but we are American and this year Fourth of July fell on a Saturday, so we decided to DO SOMETHING (in the form of a BBQ).

Julie helped Evie enjoy her first piece of watermelon:

And Phil was our first guest to arrive! Joe came, too, but I had forgotten to take
pictures by then.

There was much frantic rolling:

And couple of other lapsed/partial Americans (Julie 2, in the red dress and Jackie, who isn't actually American, but pretty much has been in Houston her whole their boyfriends Simon and Piotrek):

Jackie and Evie tried again. This is what they looked like the first time they met:

And this is what they looked like on Saturday. Jackie still isn't quite sure....

But Piotrek was totally at ease:

And Finchley...well, he just got drunk.

Happy Fourth of July from London!

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