It was beautiful and fall-like at Golders Green Park. Evie was finally awake to see the deer!
One of our favorite games is to play 'Who's hat is that?' The hat is always Evie and Jim and I discuss who's hat she is while Evie giggles on top of our heads. She is getting to be a pretty big hat.
During lunch, we realized that we didn't have Evie's binky. She sought solace in a couple of pieces of bread, one of which was still in her mouth when she fell asleep.
Today (Sunday) Hampstead had its Christmas Festival. Let me remind you that there is no such thing as Thanksgiving in England, so we launch right into Christmas as soon as it is appropriate (early November). We started the day with a chance encounter with Santa Claus! As you can see, it didn't go well.
Then we went as a family to see the free movie at the local movie theater: A Muppets' Christmas Carol. I'm sure you all know exactly who REALLY wanted to see this movie (hint: it wasn't Evie). Although Evie was entertained during times, mostly she played on the floor and slept. Jim and I, though, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Out on the street there were birds of prey on display. The Owls were magnificent, but I also felt a little sad seeing them confined and in an urban setting. There were also some reindeer (clearly not enjoying the up close encounters with small children...poor reindeer!) and a horse pulling a sleigh around the block.
Evie enjoyed the children's choir which was performing.
And we all got a kick out of the Punch and Judy show happening in front of the local deli (overpriced and with an American section in the back for all us yanks).
It was a good weekend to stay in the neighborhood and next weekend we'll have Will and Hope and birthdays and Thanksgiving, so lots to do and celebrate!
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