We were on the second row, so we got a very up close look at the strings section. Jim attempted to put Evie on the stage next to some cellos and, of course, she immediately reached out and grabbed one of them and they were politely asked to move by one of the ushers. The cellos were beautiful, though.
The theme was Journeys and the MC, a host of one of the shows on the BBC's toddler channel, told stories of the composers traveling to far away lands and being inspired by music in America and other places. There was also one piece being performed for the first time and a story that some 8 year olds had helped write and illustrate was told over the music.
Evie was mesmerized by the music and was only squirmy towards the end, but even then she stayed quiet and mostly focused.
Hooray for he orchestra!
Outside the Southbank Centre on a bridge the crosses the Thames:
In order to whet our appetites for the Tex-Mex to come, we decided to get some Mexican food for lunch. Evie charmed the entire staff of the restaurant and even danced with one of the waitresses. It is fun to have such a happy child around all the time! As we made our way home today a random guy stopped us and said, "She's so happy that she makes everyone else happy, too." (and he was a normal non-creepy young guy with his girlfriend). What a nice thing to hear and a nice way to be...we should all try a little harder to be so happy that we make everyone else happy, too!
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