On the road trip to Atlanta, I wasn't a happy camper and Cora was really hungry, so it took a LONG time to get to Cora's house. Because I can't express the pain I am in in words yet, I just did a lot of squawking and whining and crying...for ten hours. Everyone just thought I was teething.
Atlanta was hot, but we still went out and did some fun things. The first place we went was a French restaurant, where I ate fruit and a little of this and a little of that from everyone elses' plates.

Then Grandpa let me help him walk Lucy. At the beginning of the trip, I was really scared of dogs and didn't want them anywhere near me. And Lucy was really scared of me, too. But we found common ground before I left Atlanta and I was very proud to be able to walk her.

Lala pushed me on the swing:

And we went to Trader Joes, where I got to push my own shopping cart and pick what I wanted to eat. Obviously I picked a huge box of blueberries because I'm very concerned about eating foods that are good for my brain.

When we got home, though, I was shivering a lot. Everyone just thought it was because the air conditioner was too low. This is why I'm learning to talk as fast as I can. I decided to take a rest on the couch with Cora because I didn't feel very well and later that night my fever went up to 105 and my wonderful Uncle Andy drove my mom and me to the emergency room. Lala and Grandpa met us there, even though it was late and we woke them up when we called them. It turns out that I had been grumpy for a few days because I had two really bad ear infections--one in each ear.

One good thing about being sick is that I got to eat ice cream as much as I wanted:

Finally my Dad got there! And my Super Shug! Of course they held Cora, but I was ok with it.

My Uncle Will was there, too (and he held Cora, too, but whatever. He probably would have held me, too, but I was being a little shy and stand offish at that point. We bonded later in the visit)!

Cora is so cute that even
I held her. I definitely will be a good big sister:

At times, I may be a little too enthusiastic of a big sister:

Lala and Uncle Will taught me how to drive when my parents weren't there:

Atlanta was fun and I was really sad to leave, but lucky for me I had lots more wonderful family to meet and love. We were off to Birmingham next!
P.S. Thanks to Aunt Kate for many of the pictures in this blog!
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