Bubbles and friends in Evie's baby class:
This is what I look like at a TMBG concert. (Actually, I think I might have been looking at the giant, silver, remote control penguin that was flying above our heads. It was definitely Evie's favorite part of the concert and I will post a video soon).
Jim keeps his shirt on in public.
Like all the toddlers around here, Evie now has her own little stroller, which she likes to push around our neighborhood and down to the playground. It was the least expensive one I could find and it has proven itself as "Ghetto Stroller." I've been diligently taping it together with electrical tape as it systematically falls apart, but Evie doesn't seem to notice. When one of the wheels goes flying off, we'll upgrade.
Pushing Daddy in the Ghetto Stroller before bed(maybe this is why it's broken?). Videos of Evie and her stroller to come!
We've also been spending lots of time in our garden, coloring with chalk and pushing baby around in the stroller. Our garden is so nice in the summer once we clean up all the leaves! Here are Finchley, Evie and Baby hanging out in the garden. Finchley got a slight hair cut...
A rest with Daddy on the bench.
We are so lucky to live near several really beautiful parks and Golders Hill Park is a great one because not only is it a beautiful park, but it also has a mini zoo, a water garden and a really nice playground with the best sandpit around.
Checking out the deer:
Checking out the ice cream (definitely another perk of Golders Hill...and cheaper per scoop than the ice cream in it's neighboring park!):
Living near so many parks means that we can sometimes visit two in one day. After Golders Hill Park, we moved on Hampstead Heath, where we had a picnic outside of Kenwood House and watched some frisbee players while eating watermelon:
Fourth of July, as you can imagine, is not really a big deal in England (although some people joke that they should be celebrating the fact that they got rid of us. I mean, they celebrate an attempted terrorist--his failings--so why not celebrate the departure of the Americans, too?). Anyway, despite that, we tried to be somewhat patriotic and got together with some of our multicultural friends at a pub. It was a beautiful day to be Americans in London, that's for sure! Happy Summer!
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