This could be our last weekend as a family of three and it's definitely our last weekend of just the three of us because Mom/Lala gets here on Thursday (HOORAY!!!!!HOORAY!!!), so we decided not to do our usual hanging around the house or walking on the Heath, but to actually make an effort to get out of the neighborhood since it will be a little tricky for a while once the baby gets here. I apologize in advance for the very few pictures of Jim in the last couple of blogs. He's been behind the camera a lot lately, but I will try to get more pictures of him for future blogs.
Anyway, today we went to the Tate Modern, via Borough Market (where we got some yummy salsa, but no pictures). Evie was very excited to look at the Thames and all the boats and to jump in some puddles:

Taking a stroll in front of the Globe Theater:

These days, getting Evie to look at the camera is not easy, so I have to sacrifice my dignity to try to get her to at least LOOK like she's looking at the camera. More often than not, this gets caught on film...and Evie still doesn't look at the camera. It's a good thing I'm happy to make fun of myself.

Outside the Tate Modern. At first we had this delusional idea that we were going to go to the Tate Modern and then take the boat from the Tate Modern to the Tate Britain...ummm, yeah. That didn't happen.

But we did enjoy the Tate Modern, where we weren't supposed to really be taking pictures, which is why all of these are a little blurry.
Here we are preparing to go gaze upon thousands of porcelain sunflower seeds, which were artistically placed on the floor below. I have to admit, I didn't get it.

Evie actually really enjoyed looking at the paintings and, funnily, was most interested in a 'pincushion for fetish' or something like that (a sculpture in a case with some other phallic looking artwork. We didn't get a picture, unfortunately). She also wandered into this tour group and stared fixedly at the Miro painting that the tour guide was describing just as the woman said, " you can see, it is quite childlike." I guess that makes it also appealing to children.

This is a window that looks down on the turbine hall or whatever the giant Tate Modern Hall is called. Windows, and looking out of them, is a new passion:

Gazing at a Monet...

and then blowing off some steam with Daddy:

It was way beyond nap time in the tube on the way home, but Evie was still happy. No one had a meltdown and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely, feeling lucky to live in London and be able to enjoy great things like the Tate Modern on a whim.
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