I'm feeling so happy that both kids are in bed by 7:45 and Jim is cooking dinner and I actually have time to blog again, that I'm going to blog some more!
I don't know when this picture was taken, but I think it's very sweet, despite the fact that Evie has orange food to match her orange tutu all over her face.

Being a good and helpful big sister comes naturally to Evie. I hope that she and Millie will always be best friends!

The day that this picture was taken, we rented a car and drove out to a friend's 2 year old's birthday party. On the way there, Evie was car sick, so we pulled over and cleaned her up. Luckily, she had several layers on (a coat and her orange tutu over her other clothes), but by the time we actually go to the party, she was sick again...andwe didn't get to go to the party, although she did have a quick bath and change into borrowed clothes. By the time we got home, Evie looked like this:

Car sickness agrees with her, apparently. Having her hair done by JIm, on the other hand, does not:

The acquisition of a new big girl bed had a similar deranged effect...

Here is Evie, officially handing off her crib to Millie:

And reveling in her new, awesome big girl room:

Somebody else really like Evie's new room, too:

Before the miracle that is the 7:00 bed time began to happen, we used to spend lots of quality time with Millie late at night. She was very happy for all the attention and also very awake.

Today marks the first day since Millie was born that I haven't sat on the yoga ball ONCE. Go Millie and your new good mood!!! See what a good night's sleep can do for you?!

We have a bunch of fun things coming up to look forward to so if the sleep continues and the bedtimes stay early, I will be updating the blog a lot!
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