Spring is trying make an appearance in London! The trees are getting leaves and flowers and the sun even comes out every once in a while. I bought a ball of birdseed to hang in our garden, but I'm a little nervous about the whole cat aspect of our neighborhood. I want the girls to see pretty spring birds eating food outside of our window, but I don't want to set the poor birds up for imminent death in the process. We might take the birdseed ball to the park...

Millie's sunhat is gigantic. When she is in the sling, she is all sunhat. This one was chosen by Evie (obviously...it's big and pink) and should last her until she's about 10.

After accepting that she couldn't sit on the part of this stump that was protruding out of the side, Evie settled for sitting on the top and reluctantly posed for a sunny picture in front of the seagull, Canada Goose, Coot non-duck pond. Then she immediately pointed out and touched the dog poop on my hiking boot. Sigh. People, please pick up your dog's poop so that my kid doesn't feel like she has to wipe it off of my shoe with her bare hand.

Then we went home and washed hands. The end.
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