In a place where there are very infrequent warm days, we have to really take advantage of the good ones. Last weekend we had a supper picnic in the heath. It was warm and sunny and beautiful.

I showed off my mad soccer skills and Evie took off her shirt, for some reason:

Millie eventually found her grass legs and moved out of the spot she had settled in near the picnic:

Fun with Daddy:

And the always thrilling "Flying Angel!!!!" (Evie has gotten really good at this and Millie will soon advance from flying angel on knees to flying angel on feet)

We picnicked under one of the Heath's many beautiful Willow trees.

We're so lucky to live in England and to have Hampstead Heath so nearby. We'll really miss it when we have to we'll try to squeeze in as many picnics as possible before then!
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